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Essential tools needed for window restoration

Essential tools needed for window restoration
Essential tools needed for window restoration
Sat Apr 1

When it comes to old, tired-looking windows, you don’t always have to replace them fully. Sometimes you can organise to have the windows restored instead.

Some people will ask for a professional to come and restore their windows; however, there are also those who are more than happy to face the challenge and have a go themselves. If you are someone who is looking to restore their windows and wants to know where to start, let us guide you through the essential tools that are needed for window restoration.

The basic tools

Whilst you may find that you can just about restore a window using the usual tools you find lying around at home, you may find that this makes the job extra long, extra tedious and more than just a little bit frustrating.

This means that if you do have any windows that need restoring in your home, then you may want to invest in some of the tools that are going to help you to get the job done. The good news is that the basics are tools that you may find a good use for again in your everyday DIY.

First of all, you are going to need a hammer; a claw hammer that is a good size is a great idea to buy as this will not only help you to get the job done but will also be a versatile tool to have too.

You also need a multi-screwdriver so that you can utilise a variety of different-sized screws. Another tool that you are going to need is a hand saw. It is good to try and keep this smaller rather than larger, as this will make it much easier to manage. A Japanese tooth saw is a good addition.

Last of all, in the basic tools, you are going to need a razor knife, as this will help you to cut off the excess paint and caulk. This needs to be as sharp as possible, as this makes it much easier to cut.

Other tools

As well as basic tools that you may already have (or not mind buying to add to your tool collection), there are some other tools that are going to prove useful when it comes to window restoration.

The first is a trim pry bar, which is used for removing stops and sashes on the window without causing any further damage to the existing structure.

You are also going to need a glass cutter and a glaziers knife, as these will be used for the glass and for glazing your windows. Something that you are going to need to work on in the process.

You may also need an orbit sander, which will help you to sand the sills, the sash and the jambs.

These are just some of the tools that you are going to need to enable you to repair and restore the windows of your house. When you think about how much it may cost to buy them, as well as the effort that you are going to have to put into actually completing the work, it may be a better idea to just ask for a professional to do it for you instead.

Looking for help with sash window repairs? Get in touch with our team today.


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