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Case Study

Roscoe Building, Manchester University

Built in 1964, the Roscoe Building is the hub of the Faculty of Science at Manchester University. Designed by Cruickshank & Seward, it was named after 1860s Professor of Chemistry, Henry Roscoe.
Built in 1964, the Roscoe Building is the hub of the Faculty of Science at Manchester University. Designed by Cruickshank & Seward, it was named after 1860s Professor of Chemistry, Henry Roscoe.

In 2009, TRC supplied replacement windows for a refurbishment project undertaken by architects Farrell & Clark. The original centre-pivot windows were of German origin and were advanced for their time, maximising light in the laboratories and lecture rooms.

Roscoe Building Alu-clad Pivot Windows

To keep a consistent look, we supplied the same style of windows but aluminium-clad on the external face for ease of maintenance, and double-glazed for energy efficiency.

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