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Grade 2 listed window restoration

We have extensive experience in all aspects of window repair, restoration, and enhancement for Grade 2 listed buildings.
We have extensive experience in all aspects of window repair, restoration, and enhancement for Grade 2 listed buildings.

We excel in designing, supplying and grade 2 listed windows for heritage buildings across the UK.

Windows are a prominent aspect of a properties heritage and it’s ongoing legacy. We are agile in navigating all challenges that come with restoring heritage windows and whilst we provide premium upgrades, we respect and accentuate unique architectural and heritage features.

Our ethos has always been to repair and restore timber whenever possible. Sometimes we will recommend a window survey to determine whether it would be best to repair or replace. Many of our projects include a mix of both repaired and replacement windows.

In most cases, minor repairs and improvements such as draught sealing, painting and overhaul servicing can be completed without planning permission.


Timber repairs and replacement joinery work

Original timber is retained whenever possible

Repair Care professionally certified timber restorers

Windows, doors, fascias, soffits and beams

Replacement timber to match original species

Skilled craftsmen with heritage timber expertise

Why we use Repair Care resin repair system

Where heritage timber repairs are viable, we use an industry leading resin repair system called Repair Care. This is a highly flexible solution that provides fast and durable timber repairs. In the skilled hands of our window restorers, the repairs are seamless once finished and painted.

Window restoration services


Both the works and resident liason were an excellent standard and the works were successfully completed to programme and budgets.

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